Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our Adventure Begins

Randy and Vicky will enter the Mission Training Centre on February 28, 2011.  After 2 weeks' training, they will fly to Romania.  They will be living in Bucharest and working with non-government agencies throughout the country, looking for ways to assist the needy by distributing materials and supplies as well and arranging for training in an effort to help them to become self-reliant.

Humanitarian funds are donated by generous Church members and non-members alike.  Since humanitarian aid, provided by the Church is administered by volunteers, virtually all humanitarian funds go to helping the poor and needy.  Randy and Vicky are pleased to have been called to represent the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in this great cause for the next 18 months.


  1. Love the website - you guys look really great! We look forward to following your blogs. We have felt of your excitement for your call and know you will do a fantastic job in Romania.

    Will you still be checking email? Will you use your regular emails or did you receive new ones? I've sent an email to Br. Wolsey at your account that I'm hoping you'll see before entering the MTC.

    All the best in the MTC and on your mission. You'll be in our prayers.

    - David

  2. I am excited to follow your blog and read all about what you guys are doing!
    Cant wait to go on a mission one day with my husband:)

  3. We are excited for you and the experience that awaits you. Listen well at the MTC and eat the ice cream! We are waiting with baited breath!

  4. Dear beloved Ones:
    We are counting down with you, and are very
    excited about your mission - we have been delayed with our move - it will be about the lst
    of April, and enjoying our stay in our home that
    extra time. How are the ambassadors doing with all that extra training -God bless -Mom & Dad W.

  5. So excited for you two... we'll be following your blog closely and you are in our prayers everyday, we love you!

  6. Hi Br & Sis Wolsey :)
    We're in St. George with Chuck and Marlene Edwards and checking out your blog. What an exciting and challenging time you have ahead...and what a wonderful job you will do. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Neil, Claudia, Chuck & Marlene

  7. Good Morning from Arizona! We met Brother & Sister Linerud yesterday at church. We are excited for your mission Randy & Vicky. May you feel of the Lords' love & blessings.

    love Kim & Joan
