Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Glimpse of our Mission Training Experience

Reporting to the MTC Feb. 28/11
The traditional missionary photo.

Our District: L to R: Gough's (Peru), Wolsey's (Romania), Badger's (Marshall Islands) Barnard's (West Virginia). Each couple has a different kind of mission assignment - Wolsey's are the only humanitarian missionaries in this group.
A visit to Welfare Square in Salt Lake City

A wall of clothing - baled and ready to wrap and distributed around the world.

A Neo-natal resuscitation training kit - donated to the trainees so they can, in turn, train others.

Two styles of wheelchairs that we will be distributing in Romania.

Flags representing countries that the Church has helped.

14-hour days of being "fed with a fire hose" - taking its toll! 

Salt Lake City airport Mar. 11/11 - off to Romania


  1. Hello Vicky & Randy:

    Great to see what you have been up to - look forward to reading of your impressions and your work.

    Take good care,

  2. WE've been watching & waiting for your safe
    arrival & are anxious to hear your next maneuver.
    Our prayers are with and for you every day. Our
    snowbanks are slowly melting , roads are dry.
    It is COOL, with the wind always there, it seems. God bless! Love Mom & Dad

  3. Hi Grandma & Grandpa!
    How are you? When did you arrive in Romania?
    We love you!
    Morgan, Callie, N8, Christine & Trav

  4. This is so real now I see the pictures! Can't wait to hear of all services you render. I think this is where what I would like to do! What a great example you are to the rest of the family!! Take care and be safe.

  5. sorry about all the spelling and grammar errors but i'm on allan computer and its different than mine.

  6. Hi just here with Karen and Noah checking out your blog. You guys look great and I am excited to see your pictures etc. Best of everything.
